Magical X
Magical X
30 layers of paint are applied and polished
This is a very time-consuming process
with each one having a different pattern, making this a special color.
The X-Propeller on the tail is laser cut
and finished by hand.
It rotates reliably when reeled in, creating wakes.
This is a limited edition item that will be sold out soon.
Since all stock has different patterns,
the color you receive will be random.
[WOOD] [8.5cm] [28g]
For freshwater
made in japan
●This lure was developed while fishing for black bass in Japan. Each piece is handmade.
●Tariff is not included in the product price. If any tariff are incurred after shipping, the buyer will be responsible for paying them.
●Please receive the item as soon as possible. If the storage period expires, the item will be returned to us. In that case, you will be required to pay the shipping fee again.